Re(Views) - Why I’m Watching This Again

I’ve always been interested in what makes a show worth watching again and again. I’ve been watching Seinfeld reruns for just about my entire life, and I can’t tell you precisely why. In these rewatches, I’ll attempt to identify that very aspect. From sitcoms to pro wrestling to live plays I’m working on, you’ll get to find out what stands out to me.

Re(View) #2

City of Dreadful Night - Ensemble Stage

A small professional theatre in the Blue Ridge Mountains takes on a funny, dark mystery set in 1940s NYC. Find out what makes it worth seeing live and in person

Re(View) #1

Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - Ensemble Stage

A small professional theatre in the Blue Ridge Mountains takes on a 2-actor rendition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic tale of horror. Find out what makes it worth rewatching.

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